Free Fire Winterlands

Client — Garena Free Fire

Every year in December, winter takes over the Free Fire world. This cinematic introduces a new legendary costume that accidentally falls into the hands of our hero, Igni. Directed and produced by Beeld, with a team of over 60 artists, the film is packed with anime-style action and features original designs for the game's characters.

igni is surprised by orion entering the lab
orion jumping to attack igni with a punch
flamey pints to a weapon stash and igni grabs the rifle to defend himself against orion
  • Creative Direction
    Papito Jones, Greco Bernardi, Marcelo Mourão e Eduardo Tosto

    Art direction
    Papito Jones

    Executive Producer
    Eduardo Tosto

    Talent Manager
    Marcelo Mourão

    Tatiana Reuter

    Storyboards and animatic
    Papito Jones
    Antonio Neto
    Marcelo Fahd

    3d Environment Design
    Kevin Gnutzmans
    Adriano Bugnotto

    Character Design
    Gin Sakalauskas
    Rodrigo Rizo
    Papito Jones

    Color Script
    Papito Jones
    Stephanie Arcas
    Pedro Minho

    Character Modeling Supervisor
    Vitor Semeghini

    Character modeling
    Vitor Semeghini
    André Novais
    Moisés Gomes
    Pedro Hortêncio
    Ricardo Viana

    Props Modeling
    Greco Bernardi
    Ginger Pic
    Filippo Johansson
    Morgana Galvan
    Luiz Maggessi
    Mauricio Carolino

    Texture Painting Supervisor
    Giselle Almeida

    Texture Painting
    Ewerton Ruth
    Mariah Weinschutz
    Morgana Galvan
    Danielle Maluf
    Yan Honorato
    Carol Fiorito

    Matte Painting Supervisor
    Giselle Almeida

    Matte Painting
    Afonso Cardoso
    Murilo Cavalcanti
    Rafael Lucino
    Mari Morgan
    Nicole Andrade
    Lorenzo Hernandes
    Adalberto Junio
    Adriano Bugnotto
    Gabriel dos Anjos

    Papito Jones
    Greco Bernardi
    Fabrício Duq

    Danilo Pinheiro

    Animation Layout
    Saulo Filho

    3d Animation Supervisors
    Papito Jones
    Rodrigo Dutra
    Francisco Catão

    Character Animation
    Vinicius Ribeiro
    Igor Coppelli
    Diego de Paula
    Marcio Kakuno
    Jorge Zagatto
    Saulo Filho
    Ewerton Farias
    Franciele Zucolin
    Gabriel Carmo
    Gustavo Bertozzi
    Gustavo Leite
    Leonardo Paul
    Michael Carlos

    2D VFX Supervisor
    Marcelo Mourão

    2D VFX
    André Camilo
    Jonatha Santos
    Marcos Vinicio
    Natalia Faria

    Fire Simulation (Embergen)
    Greco Bermardi

    Design and Motion Graphics
    Eduardo Tosto
    Papito Jones
    Filippo Johansson
    Cristiano Maia

    Assemble/Render Supervisor
    Greco Bernardi

    Greco Bernardi
    Bruno Fabian
    Felipe Lobo
    Luiz Maggessi
    Filippo Johansson

    Papito Jones
    Greco Bernardi
    Felipe Lobo
    Guto Miranda
    Uno de Oliveira
    Marcelo Mourão
    Eduardo Tosto

